
OpenAI API 返回错误:

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}, zh = {
error_code: "错误代码",
suggestion_title_1: "如果您是本网站的访问者:",
suggestion_content_1: "请联系网站管理员咨询原因。",
suggestion_title_2: "如果您是本网站的所有者:",
desc_504: "回源请求超时。",
suggestion_content_2_504: "联系您的托管服务提供商,让他们知道您的Web服务器未完成请求。错误504表示 CDN节点请求源服务器时,等待时间过长。",
}, en = {
error_code: "Error Code",
suggestion_title_1: "If you are a visitor to this site:",
suggestion_content_1: "Please contact the website administrator to inquire about the reason.",
suggestion_title_2: "If you are the owner of this site:",
desc_504: "The return to source request timed out.",
suggestion_content_2_504: "Contact your hosting service provider and let them know that your web server has not completed the request. Error 504 indicates that the waiting time for the CDN node to request the source server is too long.",
}, langs = {zh: zh, en: en}, findLang = function (e) {
return (0 === navigator.language.indexOf("zh-") ? langs.zh : langs.en)[e] || ""
}, t = function (e) {

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